Category Topics

Announcement & Feedback

Announcements and events from ORCID, as well as discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.

Publishing Community Users

The publishing community has been an early and enthusiastic adopter of ORCID, collecting iDs during the publication process from the start, showing their support for ORCID through the publishers open letter, and implementing new functionality, such as ORCID for peer review. This user group was established in mid-2018 as a venue for the community to discuss the next stages of ORCID adoption in publishing workflows: collection of iDs from all authors; pulling affiliation, resources, and funding information from ORCID record; updating records with peer review information; ORCID in books workflows; and more. Anyone who is – or is interested in – using ORCID in a publishing workflow of any sort is welcome to join the User Group and to participate in this community forum by:

