Summarizing ORCID Record Data to Help Maintain Integrity in Scholarly Publishing

Adding these summarization services is a great addition for ORCID to make. I’m curious how some works would be categorized between validated and self-asserted. For instance many works we add for an individual are from their CV. So while we help to process the CV and send works with DOIs to ORCID, the real source of the assertion is the person who put it on their CV. As these statements are associated with our institution once they get into ORCID, would these show up in the summary as validated or self-asserted? I wonder if validated are only those assertions which come from the publisher of the work?

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Great question! I was wondering the same. When I edit our faculty’s ORCID records as a “trusted individual” the source of assertion would be in ORCID always as the individual faculty member. This happens when I enter works manually. One would assume that all the records entered in this way would have the original source of assertion as the person with ORCID ID. When I import records via Crossref or HeinOnline the source is validated as “preferred” (HeinOnline, Crossref…). I agree with you that staff working in scholarly support roles can really not genuinely assert anything else but the current affiliation, and recent works.

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The self asserted category includes:

  • items added by the researcher themselves via the user interface.
  • items added by their trusted individuals. This is because anyone can be a trusted individual for anyone else, so we have no way of marking the things they add as validated.
  • items added via search and link. This is because those systems essentially let researchers choose what to add to their records. At a high level, they’re self asserted, but at a more detailed level our source metadata contains “researcher name via system name” as the source

The validated category includes any items added by any other ORCID member organisation.

There is one exception to this, and that’s Datacite. Unlike the other DOI providers they use the same client credentials for their search and link integration as their auto-update service. So everything is marked as validated (unlike for example, crossref, which adds validated items using the ‘crossref’ integration and self-asserted ones using the ‘crossref metadata search’ integration). We’re working with them to help them separate them out.

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