Share your ORCID Case Studies with our community!

As we approach 2024, we are opening a new call for presentations for our ORCID Events webinars. Our community loves to learn about the different ways institutions use ORCID, from using one of our Certified Service Providers to add validated data to their researchers’ records, to demonstrations of complex custom integrations. We invite you to submit your case study for consideration.

Additionally, we are excited to announce a new webinar series for 2024 - ORCID Member Mixers. Member Mixers are 30-45 minute, conversation-starter sessions that provide an opportunity for ORCID Members to connect with one another and share their experiences relating to the topic. Topics planned for 2024 include adding institutional data to records, multi-system institutional approach to ORCID adoption, and Custom Integrations. If you’re interested in leading the conversation with an informal presentation on your institutional case study, please let us know.